We understand the profound negative effect acne and acne scars can have on a person’s well-being. The cause of acne scarring is complex. Acne scars are divided into one of these subgroups:

  • Rolling (softly indented scars)
  • Boxcar (depressed scars with a sharp border)
  • Ice pick (narrow, but deep small scars)
  • Hypertrophic or Keloid (inflamed and thickened scars)
  • Dark pigmentation (discoloration is not true scarring and usually slowly resolves without treatment)
  • Erythematous (pink or red areas but not true scarring, usually slowly resolves without treatment)

Affiliated Dermatologists offers comprehensive treatment for acne scarring including: excisions, punch excisions, chemical peels, and fillers injected underneath scars. Each case must be carefully evaluated and treated by the most appropriate modality. The treatment plan will be tailored for your specific needs to significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

Treatments may work well individually or a combination of treatments may be recommended to provide the maximum amount of improvement in acne scarring.  A treatment plan is developed for each patient’s specific need. This comprehensive acne scarring therapy will give the highest chance for improvement in acne scarring.

Contact us to schedule an appointment today.